Environmental data management and analysis
Environmental informatics for non-programmers (to use geoscientific data and information effectively)
- data structures, relational databases, standards and formats for geoscientific data exchange
- geographical information system (geodata, formats, desktop client, map services, data interpolation, geodata analysis)
- tools for data integration, reporting, visualization and analysis
- environmental data management software, decision support systems
- scientific data management
IT skills
- Windows automation with AutoHotkey
- Webdesign (WordPress)
- Video recording with OBS Studio (without consequent editing)
- General IT
Groundwater modelling
Flow, transport and geochemical modelling
- general issues: uncertainty classification and assessment, simplicity and complexity
- model development (perceptual, conceptual and procedural model; model ensembles)
- assumptions and limitations
- application software (MODFLOW based models, ModelMuse, PHREEQC)
- case studies using multiple hypotheses qantified by simple models:
- interaction of groundwater and surface water (flow to surface quarry; interpretation of river discharge; groundwater model for flood protection design; influence of weir on groundwater quality);
- groundwater pollution (transport)
Information literacy
To retrieve, process, manage and produce scientific literature; methodology of science
- scientific communication and publishing (structure, forms)
- electronic information resources (databases, domain-specific resources, publishers, aggregators, citation indexes, patents, libraries, gray literature)
- citing and referencing, reference manager (Zotero), online syndication
- assessment of information resources, scientometry
- methodology of science, critical thinking
- intellectual property, licenses
Last modified: 2022-11-11